We have been doing a bit of planning over here with all kinds of outdoor projects coming up in the coming months.
And one of them might involve chickens… which means… we have been looking at plans and kits for building a chicken ‘coop’
otherwise known as a chicken house or in some cases…
a chicken castle.
I kid you not.
a chicken castle.
I kid you not.
Did you know those little chicken coops of yesterday have given way to the chicken coops that dreams are made of?
Those tiny little houses with chicken ladders and little spots to run around in the yard-
are now pretty much ‘chicken mc-mansions’ with little rooms, turrets
and a welcoming front porch with rockers for the chickens to roost on and enjoy the evening sunset.
In all seriousness, they are not the chicken coops of before.
The one we had at our farmhouse in Minnesota was one I thought was cute…
and it was basically, a lean to area attached to the barn.
The one we had at our farmhouse in Minnesota was one I thought was cute…
and it was basically, a lean to area attached to the barn.
And so these chicken houses?
Well, some of them are knocking my socks off-and I am pretty sure some are as large as bedrooms and even living rooms.
Well, some of them are knocking my socks off-and I am pretty sure some are as large as bedrooms and even living rooms.
It is a bit crazy… but the idea that creating somewhere for your feathered friends to live that is as charming and pretty as everything should be-
well that sounds fun.
well that sounds fun.
Though we have a bit of work before work on a chicken coop starts- we are planning and pinning.
(affiliate) via Hayneedle
Though we are not thinking of anything super duper elaborate like one with indoor plumbing and individual bedrooms- we are looking at something simple and charming at the same time.
We have an old wood shed/barn on our property that might work with a little bit of tinkering…
but that would also make a fabulous goat house… so, you know.
but that would also make a fabulous goat house… so, you know.
(hubby isn’t fully on board yet… but- reserving that barn/shed for them. hehehe.)
It is fun to dream a bit about some of the other fabulous designs that are
out there and see what inspires.
And today, I thought I would share 7 that have caught my eye.
They are all for different reasons-
and they are all super charming in their own way.
#1. Simple and sweet
This one seems to be on the simple and yet oh so sweet side. I love it.
I like the idea of a coop that looks like a little cottage or building rather than a chicken coop.
And something we want is to be able to walk into it- so nothing super short.
This one has plenty of open air run- and what looks like a full size door.
#2. Garden dreaming
This one look so charming. Love all the windows- it makes me feel like it is an aviary or greenhouse type house and was converted to a charming spot for those feathered friends.
#3. Backyard farmhouse charm
This is one that you probably are very familiar with- this is Heather Bullard’s chicken coop and it is definitely goals. It is adorable. You can find the plans here.
via Heather Bullard.com
#4. Natural elements
Love how this coop uses old timbers for an atrium mixed with the rock building. What a great idea- and seriously charming.
#5. If it takes a village
If you have a lot of chickens… like a lot… you might need a chicken village.
This is a charming idea if you need more space for all your feathered friends to roost and roam
and I love that s feels like there are several ‘rooms’ for exploring.
#6. Weathered and Worn Simplicity
Love the simple reclaimed look of this one- which is in total contrast to the others.
But there is something authentic and super charming about it in my opinion.
#7. What dreams are made of
One of my absolute favorites- Brooke Giannetti’s chicken coop- such a dream.
It is the best of both worlds- the weathered charm with the elegance.
If a chicken coop can be called elegant. 🙂
And this one is a bonus for the road- an updated version of the chicken coop at Patina Farm.
Serious love.
So basically…. how is a girl to choose? I mean- they are all so fabulous.
With so many ideas from simple to stunning to possibly the size of my bedroom…
there is a ton of inspiration out there.
While we are just planning at this point- and are likely going to be building something
less ‘Castle’ ish and more ‘coop’ ish-
I am thinking of a few fun elements I can add that will make it more ‘French Country Cottage’ ish.
The main things we are looking for?
Height for walking into, size for enough space to roam but cozy areas so the chickens are happy
and safety- we do not want anything to get to them.
Height for walking into, size for enough space to roam but cozy areas so the chickens are happy
and safety- we do not want anything to get to them.
You can follow along what I am pinning and what is inspiring me at Pinterest.
And stay tuned for the first of several garden planning posts coming your way next week. We are working on adding some simple greens this week- and doing a little garden planning which I am excited about.
So do you have any fabulous coops that need to be added to this list of possibilities? I would love to seen them. And on my FB page- I am going to be opening up a thread for sharing if you have one and want to share.
I hope that you all had a wonderful blessed weekend- happy Monday everyone.
Wild Oak Designs says
Even Williams Sonoma has chicken coops! There are lots of chicken coops to be purchased online….many are just functional and many are becoming "castles"….wish we were where we could have one…So I will just have to keep an eye on your blog…..
Courtney says
I will have to check them out! I didn't know that! If it is a Williams Sonoma coop- it has to be pretty impressive! 🙂 And chicken castles… I need to find one. THAT would be incredible. 🙂
Babs says
We have been looking at chickens and co-op designs – the main issues is that they have to been easy to keep clean, chickens are messy creatures!
Courtney says
YES! Most definitely- and the safety. I worry about an animal getting into the coop.
Notes From ABroad says
Now I want to be a chicken .. in California ..
Courtney says
hahah!! 🙂 They are pretty impressive houses for sure.
teresa says
Babs is correct. I am from Tenn. My grandmother raised chickens for eggs and food. I hated cleaning the chicken coop. Are you wanting to raise chicken to eat, also? That's a process also.
I remember ever so often having to work some with that. Hens and chicks are adorable, and it's easy to get caught up in that and having fresh eggs. Just wondered.
Courtney says
No not going to eat them- we are vegetarians (for over 22 years!) so these chickens will be kind of like pets. 🙂
DeAnna says
My grandparents raised chickens and other animals. I don't remember their coop exactly but I think it was more of a shed with a lean to. The chickens were allowed to wander through their large yard and gardens too. Excited to see what you choose and follow along:)
Courtney says
That sounds like the one we had in Minnesota. It was a little type shed attached to a barn. It had the house part and a run- but we let them wander as well.
Running on empty says
Ease of use for the householder, including easy to clean is a must. Don’t put a tree in the middle, we built a run around a peach tree and it just makes the chickens almost impossible to catch!
Look up chicken tractors too.
Courtney says
Hahah! I bet! They can be fast!
Unknown says
Courtney, just remember chickens are EXTREMELY messy (read chicken poop all over everything) creatures. My dad made a lovely coop and run for my daughters' chickens. In no time at all it was a mess. Go with whatever is most practical.
Running on empty says
Indeed, I asked hubby to catch one to put in my Easter blog post, he was swearing by the time he got her! Just proves what I tell him, he needs to lose some weight! 😉
Of course I was taking the shot, couldn’t run I might drop the iPad. 😉
Marisa Franca @ Allourway says
Wow!! I'd like to have one of those just for my gardening equipment. Those are really impressive. For years I've been talking about eggs not having any taste. Well, looks like there is a solution. 😀
cwirth says
One thing to consider is that each and every window will be coated with dust from whatever bedding you use: pine shavings or straw. I mean seriously coated dust. Each has its own pros and cons. So more windows equals more to do on the cleaning list – if the goal is aesthetics. I have a small flock of girls and they take up a chunk of time each and every day. One thing I haven't discovered is how to keep any plant, shrub or greenery (including grass) from being totally destroyed. Anything from ground level to waist level is fair game for destruction. I too started out with the idea of a little french hen yard complete with a little chicken chateau. HA! Joke was on me. My go to bible for all things chicken is the blog "Fresh Eggs Daily". Check it out!
Erin D - The Usual Mayhem says
If you want a beautiful chicken house, don't get goats! Our goats trashed windows, siding, screen doors……and they could jump 7 foot electric fences to get at them. Look at sheep instead, maybe – much more mellow and you can use their wool for all sorts of fun projects 🙂
Cindy@CountyRoad407 says
I love the thought of raising chickens and gathering eggs and having one of those chicken coop/castles but then I begin thinking about all the chicken poop and I slap myself for even thinking about it. I bet your chicken castle will be the most gorgeous in all the land. And those chickens will be the most favored because I bet your chickens will have fresh flowers hanging around their necks – like all chickens should.
Courtney says
hahahah! I can't say that it isn't something I would be inclined to do. Fresh flower crowns and necklaces. Nice!
Running on empty says
Lol, they dig a shallow hole and cover themselves in dust! Our ducks are very cute too, but they get covered in mud!
Maci Nogueira says
It is important to see the direction of the sun before building. Ideally, chikens should receive the morning sun rather than the afternoon sun
Courtney says
Thank you for the tip- I didn't know that!
Villas in OMR says
Wow.. So kind to see chickens could have their own place. Awesome houses, Courtney. They're amazing 🙂
Varsha xx
Thea says
I wanted a coop so badly and did a lot of reading up. Martha Stewart has Info on her site, too. I found a portable coop that you could move around (sort of like a wheelbarrow. The idea being that You want to Keep their nesting and feeding areas clean and moving the coop regularly would help clean and air out below so you could clean up droppings. Anyway, i used to work at a large corp building in the COUNTRY and i passed a lovely house every morn and they had just a couple of Rhode Island reds that frolicked in front of their house. Very charming picture and about my speeD lol. Alas, where i lIve isnt .zoned for raising chickens. So that was that.