Can we talk about wisteria for a minute?
It is seriously so incredibly beautiful and it was blooming away in London.
Around every corner and on so many houses in the Kensington area of London.
We rode the train from Paris to London and found ourselves in the most charming neighborhood.
We stayed with London Perfect in this beautiful brick beauty which was tucked on a little street behind a beautiful old church.
Their flat is called the Gordon– and one of the things we loved most about staying there is that they offer a full kitchen and laundry area on top of a living room, bedroom and bath. We have taken full advantage of doing laundry and cooking while we traveled and have so enjoyed having the ability to do that.
The Gordon is decorated with posh modern decor and has such a lovely view out the windows.
The view from the kitchen window is a little street dotted with shops.
And that small road takes you by a lovely old church- and then you are right in the main shopping area of Kensington- which was wonderful for running into Whole Foods and other shops for supplies.
It is also right near Kensington Palace and gardens.
The gardens are lush and beautiful and wonderful spot for sitting for a bit and soaking it up.
We did a ton of walking in London- and the wisteria was literally everywhere.
A flower lover and photographers dream for sure.
Of course, I snapped photos on every corner of blooms like these
And of the doors. So. Many. Amazing doors in Europe. There will be a whole post about them I think.
To find out more about staying with London Perfect in the Gordon or any of their incredible flats- you can find all the details here.
See you on Wednesday for a decorating post with some friends!
Happy Monday everyone.
I partnered with London Perfect to share my experience staying with them- but all opinions are my own.
Di says
They are beautiful thanks for sharing Courtney.
Anonymous says
J'ai débuté de manière autodidacte, à travers le matériel d'un cours donné par une amie à qui je la remerciais pour sa générosité, parce que cela me coûtait une pâte, de sorte qu'après un moment, je réalisais à quel point cela valait la peine. Pendant tout ce temps, j'ai vécu avec mes succès et mes échecs, mes joies et mes peines, mais savez-vous ce que j'ai toujours manqué? La voix d'un expert qui m'a raconté ses débuts, ses expériences, qui m'a donné quelques conseils, ses mots d'encouragement. Cet expert est Fernando Martínez Gómez Tejedor. En 2018, je me suis inscrit à l'un de ses cours de stratégies qu'il offre gratuitement et j'ai réussi à en apprendre suffisamment pour commencer. Il m'a également permis de consolider certaines connaissances et convictions que j'avais déjà, de découvrir d'autres formes de des investissements qui n’avaient pas été envisagés et qui, bien sûr, renforcent l’idée que le commerce et les investissements, bien pratiqués, peuvent vous procurer de nombreuses joies. Je sais que cela peut sembler cliché pour certains d’entre vous, mais c’est vrai. Les idées principales enseignées par Fernando Martínez Gómez Tejedor sont simples et efficaces, mais ce sont nos propres défauts et nos propres dilemmes émotionnels qui les rendent si difficiles à suivre.
Je vous invite donc à lire les articles que Fernando Martínez Gómez-Tejedor a écrits ces jours-ci en inesthétique. Je suis sûr que vos expériences et vos conseils vous seront très utiles, je vous laisse donc le lien: https: // inbestia. .com / utilisateurs / fernandomartinez / articles
Alison says
Lovely pictures so beautiful! I do have a question you showed a sneak peek of a new piece of furniture but haven't shown it again with details will that been up on your blog soon? Also did you have a preference between Paris and London, both are so beautiful
Shirley Housepitality Designs says
Breathtaking photos Courtney! We used to have lots of Wisteria at a former home of ours. It was so spectacular when it bloomed, but after a while I called it Hysteria and it took over much of a part of the yard. Safe travels!
Unknown says
Lovely place to visit!!!!!!!
Catherine says
Yes, flowers everywhere, the shops decorate with a lot of blooms this week because of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, when I was there quite a few years ago for the show I noticed they did that, creates an incredible atmosphere…
Linda says
Love the flowers in London. We live in Florida and the wisteria blooms are wonderful but the colors in London are more vibrant. I think our sun bleaches them. We have stayed in a cottage in a small village outside London and truly enjoyed life there.